Mayor responds to coyote trap video outrage

"It’s the most humane way that we could possibly catch them and still be efficient enough to try and eliminate some of the coyotes."
“It’s the most humane way that we could possibly catch them and still be efficient enough to try and eliminate some of the coyotes.”

PRESTONSBURG, KY.–As the coyote population grows in our region, so do the problems that come along with it. A video posted on social media of a coyote caught in a trap on a popular hiking trail in Floyd County received a lot of attention Sunday. The video was recorded by someone hiking the Sugar Camp Mountain Trails on Stone Crest in Prestonsburg and shows a coyote caught in a trap and struggling to get away. The City of Prestonsburg quickly assumed responsibility for the traps saying there have been several issues with the animals include an instance of a coyote taking a pet from someone’s home while a child was playing with it. The video initially received a lot of negative responses, but Prestonsburg Mayor Les Stapleton was quick to address the issue and assure everyone that the traps are not harming the coyotes.

“The traps are steel traps. It’s the most humane way that we could possibly catch them and still be efficient enough to try and eliminate some of the coyotes. It basically just closes up on their leg, it doesn’t break their skin, and it doesn’t break their bones as you can see. So, other than feeling pressure from where they’re closing up there’s no real pain and it keeps them in check until we can deal with them. It has to be done. We got to try and protect the citizens of Prestonsburg, their pets, their children and everything else.”

Mayor Stapleton went on to say that if anyone is having issues with coyotes to call Prestonsburg City Hall at 606-886-2335.

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