Judge Larry Thompson sworn in as Kentucky Court of Appeals Judge

PIKEVILLE, Ky. –  On Friday, Judge Larry Thompson was sworn in, following his win in November to the Kentucky Court of Appeals to fill the unexpired term of Judge Janet Stumbo.  The Pike County courtroom was full as friends, family, and associates gathered to celebrate the occasion.  During his speech, Judge Thompson told those in attendance the only thing he wants people to remember about him is that he is “fair.”  Governor Matt Bevin is expected to a appoint someone soon to temporarily fill Judge Larry Thompson’s Pike County Circuit Judges seat.  A special election will be held as early as this November to determine a long-term replacement.
On Sunday at 3pm, another swearing in ceremony will be held at the Pikeville High School auditorium as several people will be sworn into their newly elected offices in Pikeville and Pike County. Those include Ray Jones as Pike County Judge Executive and the three new Pike County Commissioners among others.

[su_youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LAlcixSnfZg&feature=youtu.be” height=”340″]