ADA rates PMC diabetes program ‘distinguished’

PIKEVILLE, Ky. — The American Diabetes Association is once again recognizing Pikeville Medical Center’s Diabetes Self-Management Education Program.

The ADA has given PMC a grade of “distinguished” for its diabetes education. The distinguished designation means the ADA has found that PMC has “a staff of knowledgeable health professionals who can provide state-of-the-art information about diabetes management for participants.”

“This process gives professionals a national standard by which to measure the quality of the services they provide,” commented Nurse Practitioner and Diabetes Educator Mavis Lowe. “And, of course, it helps patients to recognize quality programs.”

The program has received the same designation since 1995.

“Daily self-management skills are absolutely essential for people to effectively navigate the 24/7 challenges of living with diabetes, helping to keep them healthy and prevent or delay the serious complications of diabetes,” said Linda Cann, MSEd, the ADA’s senior vice president of professional services. “We applaud Pikeville Medical Center for its commitment to providing high-quality, evidence-based education and support for people with diabetes by meeting the National Standards for DSME/S and earning the ADA’s ERP recognition.”

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